Who we are

We are the developers of Plastic SCM, a full version control stack (not a Git variant). We work on the strongest branching and merging you can find, and a core that doesn't cringe with huge binaries and repos. We also develop the GUIs, mergetools and everything needed to give you the full version control stack.

If you want to give it a try, download it from here.

We also code SemanticMerge, and the gmaster Git client.

Plastic SCM External Release

Monday, August 13, 2012 Amalia 0 Comments

A new week, a new release: this time we're announcing (BL333 as we name it internally).

It is a new release of the 4.1 version, including a number of bug fixes.

While you can read the detailed release notes, this blogpost will highlight the most relevant bugfixes.

Remember you can find the latest installer here


Fast-import fails because it found duplicated items id

In the fast-export/fast-import process you could read this message: “An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary” while importing to Plastic. An assert has been added to detect if a path is not used and we generated unique names. So fixed it!

Pending changes: Search manually moves

Pending changes view could show a file locked exception when calculating locally moved items and at least a private item was locked by external application. Fixed it!

Wrong conflicts protection when renaming items

Now, the merge process, on a case-insensitive filesystem, supports case-rename operations (when the name is changed only from lower-case to upper-case or vice versa). Great!

Pending changes: Search manually moves over locked file

Pending changes view could show a file locked exception when calculating locally moved items, and at least a private item was locked by an external application. Fixed!

Enjoy it!

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