Who we are

We are the developers of Plastic SCM, a full version control stack (not a Git variant). We work on the strongest branching and merging you can find, and a core that doesn't cringe with huge binaries and repos. We also develop the GUIs, mergetools and everything needed to give you the full version control stack.

If you want to give it a try, download it from here.

We also code SemanticMerge, and the gmaster Git client.

New release Plastic SCM is out

Thursday, February 27, 2014 Pablo Santos 0 Comments

The new release BL534 is finally out.

It is the first release that we announce this year in the blog although there have been several releases that we published directly inside the download area in January and February. We wanted to fix some issues before announcing to everyone.

I’m going to describe the most important new features included in this release.

Branch Explorer improved filters – inclusion and exclusion rules

This is the most important usability feature added to the release. So far filters were only able to highlight branches but now it is finally possible to hide or show branches based on queries. It has been requested several times by different customers and also added to our UserVoice.

The former “conditional format” tab has been modified and now it includes 3 buttons: “add inclusion”, “add exclusion” and “add format”. The last one is the old ‘format rule’ still able to color the branches based on queries.

The new inclusion and exclusion rules work as follows:

  • Inclusion rule: the branches selected by the query will be displayed.
  • Exclusion rule: the branches selected will be hidden.

Both inclusion and exclusion rules have additional options as the following picture shows:

As you can see we the options are:

  • Add child branches: will add (to inclusion or exclusion) the child branches of the branches selected by the query.
  • Add parent branches: adds the parent branches of the selected ones.
  • Add branches that are source of a merge: adds the branches that are source of a merge to the selected branches.
  • Add branches that are destination of a merge: adds to the list the branches that receive merges from the selected ones in the rule.

Combining all these options it is possible to configure quite flexible and powerful inclusion and exclusion rules.

Let’s go with a short example: suppose I just want to keep the main branch in the diagram. Then I’d set a rule like the following:

And the resulting Branch Explorer will be:

Suppose that now we want to exclude the branch ‘task3005’. The rule will be set as follows:

And the resulting diagram won’t have the branch ‘task3005’.

Now let’s try a slightly more complex query: display only the branches containing changesets created after the 15th of July of 2013 (note that the screenshot shows the date n dd/mm/yyyy format).

Once the query is set all the branches without changesets after the given date are cleaned up.

Using this filter system it would also be possible to run queries based on attributes and then show only branches with ‘tested’ attr equals to ‘true’ and things like that.

Custom Branch Explorer renders newly created branches

This was also a frequent request and was also asked at our UserVoice.

Suppose you create a subdiagram to render a given release branch and then you decide to create a subbranch out of it. If the newly created subbranch doesn’t match the rules that define the branch explorer it was immediately hidden. Well, this wasn’t very comfortable because maybe you just wanted to keep your new branch and work on it. And that’s exactly what we fixed.

New GUI shortcuts

We added some new shortcuts to the GUI:

  • Ctrl+D to show branch and changeset differences from the Branches View, Changeset View and Branch Explorer.
  • Ctrl+V will focus an item in the Items View if you have copied the item path in the clipboard.

The diff view (diff branch, changeset) uses the following shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Alt + + to navigate to the next file
  • Ctrl + Alt + - to navigate to the previous file
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + + to navigate to the last file
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + - to navigate to the first file
  • There is no need to focus the differences control to navigate through differences (Ctrl+ + or Ctrl + -).

Maven plugin

We have developed a Plastic SCM Maven SCM plugin, according to the http://maven.apache.org/scm/maven-scm-plugin specifications.

Here are the commands supported by the plugin:

  • scm:add
  • scm:branch
  • scm:checkin
  • scm:checkout
  • scm:tag
  • scm:update

In order to configure the connection in a pom.xml the syntax is as follows (everything inside a single line):



  • "objectSpec" is: (br:/name | cs:N | lb:name)
  • "repository_path_to_download": is only affected by the checkout and update commands.

NOTE: The plugin is not provided by the installers. A manual installation in the maven repository is required instead (using the "mvn install:install-file" or "mvn deploy:deploy-file" plugins).

Improved navigation in diff view

We have improved the navigation in the diff views (branches, changesets, labels and so on). Now the diff view remembers your navigation and you can go back and forward, and also a new column lets you see if you have already viewed a file.

This one closes the UserVoice request.

Multiline comments in autocomments

Now it is possible to add multiline autocomments for checkin.

Go to the preferences window, "Comment options", select "Custom" in the Comments section.

In addition to User ({0}) and Date ({1}) you can add new lines ({2}).

Full repository list now available while creating a new workspace

When creating a workspace it is possible to see a repository list showing all the repositories in all the registered servers.

Bug fixes

And the release also includes a full list of bug fixes. Check the release notes for more info.


The Plastic SCM team

Pablo Santos
I'm the CTO and Founder at Códice.
I've been leading Plastic SCM since 2005. My passion is helping teams work better through version control.
I had the opportunity to see teams from many different industries at work while I helped them improving their version control practices.
I really enjoy teaching (I've been a University professor for 6+ years) and sharing my experience in talks and articles.
And I love simple code. You can reach me at @psluaces.

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