June 12, 2009

Parallel Development With Plastic SCM

Over the years I have worked with many SCM tools and they all say they support parallel development but they all do it in very different ways with all kinds of strategies and best practices that vary not only from system to system but also from situation to situation. This is one of the reasons why the Appleton/Berczuk book on branching patterns is so important, so that SCM admins can determine how best to implement a branching strategy to support their ideal development needs in the given enviroment.

With that in mind I've put together a 30 minute video to detail how we recommend doing things with Plastic. The first 15 minute talks in general about parallel development and what some of the pro's and con's are while the second 15 minutes is an example demonstrate of how we recommend using Plastic SCM to implement a simple yet effective parallel development environment. I focus on workflow and best practices while also incorporating some additional useful tools like CruiseControl, NUnit, TestComplete and Jira to help facilitate the process.

Here is the agenda for the video:
  1. Define the problems of serial development
  2. Benefits of parallel versus serial development
  3. Problems with parallel development
  4. How to eliminate or lessen the problems
  5. Keys to effectiveness
  6. Demonstration of key points in action
I've also added a link to the PPT I created for the presentation.

Link to video: http://www.plasticscm.com/demos/paralleldevmovie/Bparalleldev.htm
Link to PPT: http://www.plasticscm.com/demos/paralleldevmovie/BetterDevThroughBranching.ppt

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