Shell Extension tour
One of the key features in the new Plastic SCM 3.0 is the Windows Shell Extension integration.It's a feature that users coming from SVN or CVS were missing (the great "tortoise" family of tools, you know) so we finally cached up here, did our homework and released a very neat integration.

The really cool thing about the ShellExt is that you can use the entire Plastic GUI from it: the branch explorer, running merges and diff, the changeset browser, code reviews... everything is just there... which ends up creating a very tightly integrated and neat interface. You can access all the replication functionalities too, of course.
Here's a short screencast (remember we've a YouTube channel) here showing most of the views popping up and so on.
The ShellExt shares most of the code with the Windows GUI, which is great for maintenance. We had to do a good refactor of some pieces (not that big at the end :P) in order to be able to display "views" on standalone windows, and then also some threading considerations to integrate with Explorer, but the result, IMHO, is really good.
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