Who we are

We are the developers of Plastic SCM, a full version control stack (not a Git variant). We work on the strongest branching and merging you can find, and a core that doesn't cringe with huge binaries and repos. We also develop the GUIs, mergetools and everything needed to give you the full version control stack.

If you want to give it a try, download it from here.

We also code SemanticMerge, and the gmaster Git client.

Integrate PlasticSCM with TeamCity CI Server

Wednesday, August 01, 2012 Amalia 0 Comments


The Plastic SCM Team City plugin extends the capabilities of the TeamCity server, enabling it to manage continuous integration operations using source data that is under Plastic SCM control.

To install the Plastic SCM Team City plugin:

1. Download the PlasticSCM plugin for TeamCity and copy the file com.codicesoftware.plugins.teamcity.PlasticSCM.zip file into your TeamCity plugins directory.


<homedir> is your operating system home directory, a subdirectory of Users (Windows 7, Windows Vista), or Documents and Settings (Windows XP), or $HOME (Unix-based systems).

Note: It is recommended to restart the Team City server so that it automatically unzips and loads the plugin.

2. (Windows systems only) The plugin performs Plastic SCM commands with the user identity of the TeamCity Build Agent Service. By default, this identity is the SYSTEM user account. We recommend changing this to an actual user account.

  • Go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services.
  • Right-click TeamCity Build Agent Service and select Properties.
  • Go to the Log On tab and specify another user (who must have Administrator rights).



3. Restart the TeamCity Server service, so that it recognizes the Plastic SCM plugin.


To create a Plastic SCM build configuration in TeamCity, you must first configure a VCS root:

1. Open the TeamCity web application and select your project.

2. Select "Create build configuration" (or edit an existing build configuration).



3. Fill in the general settings for the build configuration.

4. Select "VCS Settings".


Set Plastic SCM as the VCS type

5. Select "Create and attach new VCS root".


Create a new VCS root

6. In the "New VCS Root" dialog, set the Type of VCS to Plastic SCM. Then fill in these fields:

  • VCS root name: Any descriptive name, such as "Plastic SCM root".
  • Plastic command line executable: Set to "cm" or to the full pathname of the cm program.
  • Selector: In this field, copy the selector of the Plastic SCM workspace in which builds are to take place.
  • Workspace directory: The full pathname of the Plastic SCM workspace in which builds are to take place.



7. Click "Test Connection" to make sure that TeamCity can perform Plastic SCM client commands.

8. Click Save.


Plastic SCM has been established as VCS root. Save changes.

9. (Optional) Back in the "Version Control Settings" dialog, enter a VCS Labeling specification.


Labeling Specification

Now, you can run a build to start working with Plastic SCM from the Team City environment.

Note: When installing Team City on Windows systems, it normally uses the SYSTEM user account. We recommend changing the user that executes the Team City application. To do that, go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services, right click on the Team City services, go to the Log on tab and select another Administrator user. The user that runs the Agent will be the user that runs Plastic SCM. We do not recommend running applications with the SYSTEM user account.

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