A new version of SemanticMerge is now out: 0.9.20
We just published a new release of SemanticMerge 0.9.20 and you can download it at www.semanticmerge.com.
Last two weeks have been pretty intense: we first released the public beta of SemanticMerge which got great coverage on reddit, twitter (thanks to @codinghorror, @migueldeicaza, @jonskeet, @shanselman and many others!!), dzone, InfoQ, blog posts by Paul Hammant, Jon Skeet and the list goes on and on, and then we started working on the feedback we got from reddit and our UserVoice site.
Just in case you don't know yet what SemanticMerge is about: it is a language aware merge tool (and diff tool too) that we've developed based on the merge technology we already included in Plastic SCM but applied at the code structure level instead of the file and directory level. So, SemanticMerge is basically able to deal with refactors... Find out more here.
What is new in 0.9.20
- First we focused on startup performance which was frequently requested both in UserVoice, reddit and by email. It has been greatly improved.
- Update issues: SemanticMerge comes with its own auto-update system (although we will first publish the 0.9.20 installer before activating the auto-upgrade, because we fixed a bug when several instances were open) and a few issues were reported, the most important one related to the impact on the startup time (fixed) and multi-instance update problems (fixed too).
- Scroll issue in the conflicts list: a user reported that the position on the list of pending conflicts was not correctly kept making impossible to press some conflict resolution buttons when the list didn't fit on the screen. Fixed too.
- Encoding issues: a French developer reported an issue dealing with accents in comments! We enabled the option to set the right encoding (manually if not autodetected.
- Null on "view on result" after editing the result file manually: reported by another user and also detected internally. It is now fixed.
- Fallback to the default merge tool if the language can't be handled: it was requested on UserVoice at it was already available before the launch, but we closed the UserVoice entry this week.
- Installer was placing the binaries in the x32 program files branch: fixed before the launch too. Now we install in the user directory to ease the update process.
- We've also closed some requests related to documentation since we now have docu to configure it with SVN (requested here), Mercurial and a few others... including Perforce!
Join the webinar
We'll be hosting a webinar next week (April 30th) so please do not forget to join since it will be the best place to share ideas, thoughts, learn more about the tool and the future plans and meet part of the team who made it possible :-)
You can register here https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/520572034
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