Windows diff and merge revisited
The BL717 comes fully loaded with improvements. Together with the Mac mergetool we have included a bunch of improvements on Windows for the diff and merge tools.
Here goes a screenshot to see how it looks like now:

Improvements in diff rendering
We've improved the way in which diffs are rendered, and it is clearly noticeable on all diff interfaces ranging from “pending changes” to diffing branches, changesets and code reviews.
The change is simple but it makes a lot of sense visually. As you can see in the screenshot below, the current difference is now easier to find due to a thicker border. A tiny change from an implementation point of view, but it brings a great visual improvement :-)

Greatly improved merge GUI
The changes also come to the merge side of things: this time there’s not only a thicker border to highlight the current conflict, but a number of subtle but clearly visible changes.

As the figure above shows:
- The conflict navigation buttons now change color once all conflict are solved, greatly improving the visual feedback.
- The conflict margins now also reflect the conflict status: red for pending, and green for solved.
- There is a new panel with merge information and with the button to mark a conflict as solved/unsolved. It was placed on top before, but now it has been moved in between the contributors and merge-result panel.
Once the conflicts are solved, the window will show as follows:

No more red signs and everything on green to reflect the status of the merge :-)
Consider the following screenshot in case you want to compare to how the merge tool looked like a few months ago (before introducing the greatly improved textbox with better syntax highlight, folding and many, many more):

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